is an electrical engineering professor whose former idealism has been broken, along with his dreams, but he becomes the mentor
for a promising graduate student named Kathy Olsen. As Kathy proceeds with her Master’s thesis inspired by Nikola Tesla’s
free-energy car experiment, Bill gently tries to dissuade her, but eventually reveals that he had nearly succeeded with a
similar experiment many years earlier, only to be stopped and “controlled” by the powers that be, who forced him
to work at the University under watchful eyes. He gives her a few hints that help her to unlock the mysteries of free energy,
but how much has he risked by doing so?
ANGELA BISCOTTI, the Dean of Electrical Engineering at the university Kathy and Julie attend, is
beautiful, but very cold and uptight. She runs the Electrical Engineering program with an iron fist and promptly tries to
dissuade Kathy from using the free energy car experiment for her Master’s thesis. Is she just too conservative to allow
such radical thinking or does she have some other, more sinister, motivation?
WHITE meets Julie and Kathy partway into the college semester. He is a history student with a computer science minor, just
like Julie, though a year or two behind her. Julie quickly falls in love with Jack, but Kathy thinks he’s a little too
smooth and the timing of his arrival is a little too convenient. Jack not only agrees with Julie’s concerns that Kathy
may be in danger, he helps her find a special group, The Tesla Underground, that hides inventors who are in danger.
GREGG TOLL is the host of a fictional top-rated international radio talk
show, “Midnight Mysteries,” which discusses conspiracies, UFOS, and paranormal phenomena. He is Julie’s
hero. Kathy finds Gregg intelligent, kind, and surprisingly down-to-earth, but what can a talk radio host do to help her survive?
In the screenplay, the radio host is GEORGE NOORY, the real-life host of the phenomenal top-rated international radio talk
show, "Coast to Coast AM."
“MEN IN BLACK” is a term that
has been used for decades to describe covert agents who try to stop and cover up unwanted scientific discoveries and advances.
Do they exist? If so, who sponsors their dirty work? Do any of the characters described above belong to their mysterious and
sinister ranks?
The Tesla Conspiracy
Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012, 2013 Michael Finley & Mark DeMucha
All lightning photos courtesy of NOAA